Add Guidance to help users know what corrective actions to take
Some companies may have specific guidance or procedures that must be followed when certain events occur. You can use the Guidance text found in Corrective Actions to help guide users through key points that they should take when performing actions in response to alerts.
How do users see the Guidance text?
All users will see the Guidance text when they open the Corrective Action dialog.

How to edit the Guidance text for a location
The Guidance text will be empty when first opened. To add text select Edit guidance and enter whatever guidance you need for that location.
Note: the guidance text that you enter will be shown for devices at this location only. This allows you to have different guidance for each of your locations.

Don’t forget to select Save guidance after entering your text.
Where can I review history of actions taken?
After responding to an alert, users may select actions from the Corrective Action dropdown. You can review those actions taken from either the Device > Notifications or from Alert > Notifications tabs. From there you will see a list of alert notifications entries and any actions or notes for the past alert.

Actions and notes are also included in certain report types automatically. For example in Regulatory and Corrective Action reports.