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Adjust Panic Button settings

The following article will show you how to edit settings for your Button and adjust available settings.

Settings for your Panic Button can be modified from Device Settings. There you will see various settings available that you can modify. To access this screen, select it from the dashboard and navigate to the Device Settings screen - scroll down to locate additional settings you can modify.

The options available within settings may vary depending upon Button firmware and hardware.

  • Sensor Communication - How often the button will send a periodic keep-alive reading which includes current location.

  • Vibration - Enables or disables vibration function on the button.

  • Sound - Enables or disables sound function on the button.

  • GPS - Enables or disables use of the GPS positioning.

  • BLE Beacon - Enables or disables the use of connecting with bluetooth beacons for indoor positioning.

  • Panic Mode Communication - Once the button enters alert mode, this controls how frequently it will send out a new alert reading including current location.

  • Button Presses (1-10) - The number of presses required before the button will register as having been activated.

Example: Adjust Number of presses required to trigger panic mode

This feature requires your button to have the correct configuration (hardware version, firmware and template selected) for your device. If you do not see the Button Presses option, this indicates that your button is not currently configured to allow this setting to be changed.

When supported, you can use the Button Presses setting on the Device Settings screen to adjust the number of presses required. The selection you make here will tell the button how many presses are required before triggering an alert mode on that button.

Be sure to remember to Save your change after making an adjustment on this screen.

Don't forgot that you can also use the Apply Settings to Other Devices setting on this screen in case you need to apply this change to multiple buttons at once.

After saving your changes, a downlink command will be sent to the button when it next checks in with a new data point. You may also force an update by connecting your button to a charger. If it’s already plugged in, disconnect and reconnect from the charger. The button will vibrate to confirm changes

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