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Create Probe alert in addition to Temperature sensor

If your sensor has a probe-based temperature sensor connected to it, you can receive alert notifications for the Probe as well. This is easily configured from Alerts.

  1. Navigate to the location where your sensor has been added. Expand the Locations menu and select Alerts.

  2. Start creating a new alert by clicking on Create Alert.

  3. From the Device field, select whichever device your probe is connected to.

  4. From the Alert Type field select Probe.

  5. OPTIONAL: Customize the name of the alert.

  6. Customize the Conditions which must be exceeded before your Probe-based temperature reading will send out an alert notification. For example, if the probe reading is above 10F or below -10F.

  7. After customizing your alert, don’t forget to click Save Alert to complete the alert.

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