How to temporarily pause alert notifications
If you have an active Alert that is sending you notifications, you can temporarily pause the notifications until such time as you can take action.
Pausing an alert will only pause the notification being sent to you. The device will continue to be in the alert state and will continue to send alert notifications to any other recipients on the alert.
Paused notifications will resume automatically once the device exits the alert state and then goes back into it. E.g. Temperature decreases for one reading and then jumps back up into alert range. The notifications will remain paused until that occurs.
SMS and Email notifications must be paused independently.
Notifications for each device must be paused independently.
Pause SMS notifications
You can use the Reply '1' message to temporarily pause receiving that text message.

Pause Email notifications
Use the Pause link in the Email message that you receive. After clicking on the link you will be taken to a screen that confirms notifications have been paused.

Limitations of notification pausing with alert rules
Currently the “Only alert if condition remains for…” and “X Readings in a Row” rules are not compatible with our notification pausing feature. This is because the device exits the alert state (thus resuming the paused notifications) as part of the calculation of these rules.
Your best option to control notifications with this these rules present would be to temporarily disable the alert.