Change Tektelic Micro Access Point Name (APN)
Changing APN for T-Mobile and multi-carrier SIMs such as Twilio, Teal, Hologram, etc.
Note: Changing APN for AT&T and Verizon requires additional steps. See instructions at bottom of this page.
Step 1
Connect gateway to ethernet.
Locate the gateway’s IP address (you can use an IP scanner).
Get gateway’s password, which is the serial number on the sticker on the bottom of the gateway.
SSH into gateway using a command line interface program like Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on PC:
Password is the gateway serial number.
Enter following commands to check the system version, current firmware, and current APN:
system_version -c "at!gobiimpref?" -c "AT+CGDCONT?"
Output will look like this:

Step 2
Enter the following command to change the APN. -c 'at+cgdcont=1,"IP","DESIRED APN HERE","",0,0'
The following example shows us changing our APN to “hologram”:

Step 3
Enter the following command to reset the gateway and apply the changes:
Changing APN for AT&T Sims
Step 1
Download and open FileZilla and connect to the gateway with host being the IP address of the gateway, “root” as the username and the Serial Number of the Gateway as the password and the port which the gateway is on.
Step 2
Go to the dev/shm in FileZilla and input these two files in the shm folder.
SWI9X30C_02.32.11.00_ATT_002.070_002.nvu SWI9X30C_02.32.11.00.cwe
Step 3
In the Terminal, once connected to the gateway please run this command to fully download the ATT Firmware:
/opt/Sierra/LteModemFW/ att /dev/shm/
Step 4
Connect gateway to ethernet.
Locate the gateway’s IP address (you can use an IP scanner).
Get gateway’s password, which is the serial number on the sticker on the bottom of the gateway.
SSH into gateway using a command line interface program like Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on PC:
Password is the gateway serial number.
Enter following commands to check the system version, current firmware, and current APN:
system_version -c "at!gobiimpref?" -c "AT+CGDCONT?"
Output will look like this:

Changing APN for Verizon
Step 1
Download and open FileZilla and connect to the gateway with host being the IP address of the gateway, “root” as the username and the Serial Number of the Gateway as the password and the port which the gateway is on.
Step 2
Go to the dev/shm in FileZilla and input these two files in the shm folder.
SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00_VERIZON_002.079_002.nvu SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00.cwe
Step 3
In the Terminal, once connected to the gateway please run this command to fully download the Verizon Firmware:
/opt/Sierra/LteModemFW/ vzw /dev/shm/

Step 4
In FileZila navigate to home/root
to copy the modem-oma-dm-handler
Step 5
In Terminal run command: opkg install modem-oma-dm-handler_0.6-r2_kona.ipk
to install the package
Step 6
To check if the modem-oma-dm-handler
was successfully installed, ran command opkg list-installed | grep oma

Step 7
If using a PODVerizon sim, Once the sim is inserted and plugged in, the APN of the POD will show

Step 8
Register Gateway IMEI with Hendry at Tektelic