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How do I change or remove a contact’s access to a location?

You can use the Contacts screen to see a complete list of contacts associated with your account. From here you can easily change or remove the app access to a location. You can also remove the contact, revoking access to all locations.

  1. Open the Contacts screen.

  2. Click to expand the contact’s details.

  3. Under the Access section, you will find a list of locations to which this contact has been granted.

    💡 If you do not see an entry here, that means that the user has No Access to view the location.

    To Remove access to a specific location, click on the X button.

    To Grant access, inviting the user to that location, make sure that the location is selected in the location dropdown. You can then use the dropdown shown next to that location to grant the user Can View or Can Edit permission.

Be sure to Save the Contact when you are done making changes.

💡 Whenever you make a change to a contact’s access permission, that user will receive an email informing them of what was changed.

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