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How to add a new Company or Location

Here we will walk through the process of creating a new Company and Location as well as how to add just a new Location to an existing Company using the dashboard app.

Add a New Company & Location

If you have an existing Company and you just want to create a new Location, you can skip directly to the Add New Location part.

  1. Expand the menu and select Companies & Locations from the toolbar.

  2. To start the process of creating a new Company & Location, select Add Company.

  3. Complete the form to create a Company and its first location.

  4. You will then be returned to Companies & Locations screen where you will see your new Company, Location and if you so desire you can create additional ones from here.

Add New Location to Existing Company

After you have an existing Company, you can always add additional Locations.

  1. Click on Companies & Locations from the toolbar.

  2. Find the Company you want to add a new location for and click on Add Location.

  3. Complete the form to add a new location.

  4. You will then be returned to Companies & Locations screen where you will see your new Location.

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