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How to move a device to another location

The following will help you to move a Device or Gateway from one Location in the app to another. This is useful if you have reorganized your devices and locations and need to reflect that within your account.

In order to be moved, the device should first be temporarily removed in the app.

Remove Device from the existing Location

  1. To remove a Gateway or Device, tap on it from the Manage screen and then tap on the Settings tab.

  2. From settings, tap on the Remove button.

  3. Confirm the device removal.
    ➡ After the device is removed, it is then freed up so that it can be added into a new Location.

Create the New Company or Location

After freeing the device, you can then proceed with creating a new Company & Location, or just add a new Location to an existing Company, as needed. Of course, you can skip this step if you already have a location where the devices needs to be moved to.

Below is the video for how to do this, as taken from the Help Article on How to add a new Company or Location.

Add the Device to the new Location

Once the device is freed up and you have the Location where you want the new device to be added, you can proceed with following the Add Device process.

As shown in the Help Article on How do you add Gateways or Devices to a Location, this process is:

  1. Select the Manage Location (3 dot) menu for the Location where you want the device added.

  2. Select Add Device.

  3. Enter or use the camera to scan the QR code on the device.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete adding your device.

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