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Create new Webhook Integration

The Webhook Integration allows you to receive notification callbacks triggered by updates within your account’s data, alerts and information.

This integration can provide notifications for the following information (configure types desired in webhook options): sensor data received (uplink), gateway keepalive (ping), and alert events.

Creating a new Webhook

Use the following steps to setup your new webhook from your dashboard account.

Remember that the Webhook will only forward data for locations where you are the Admin role.

If you add an integration and you are an invited contact (Owner, Can View, Can Edit roles) for a location, you will not receive integration callbacks for those devices. Instead, locate the Admin role in the Contacts screen and have them add the integration there.

  1. Log into your app dashboard account.

  2. Select the Integrations option and then select the Webhook integration.

  3. Enter the following information to complete the integration:

    • Name: Enter a name for this integration. In case you have multiple integrations, this will help uniquely identify it in the list.

    • Url: Enter the URL that you would like to be called in response to account updates.

    • (Optional) Headers: Enter headers values in query string format, for example:

      X-Api: secret-key
      Authorization: Token 

      Input like this: x-api=my-secret-key&authorization=Token

After saving the Integration, you will see it shown in your list of integrations.

  • You can then edit the integration to make any changes needed.

  • You can also toggle the Integration on/off at any time from here as well. Disabling the integration will stop new data from being sent to the webhook.

Verifying things are working

You can verify the webhook is working by waiting for a new reading to come into your dashboard. As soon as a new event occurs, the webhook will be notified and include the event payload.

You can also use a temporary service, such as RequestBin to get a sense of how things work before integrating payload events into your service.

Examples: Payloads & JSON Schema

Uplink Event:

Alert Event:

JSON Schema

Payload Transformation (preview)

The payload transformation is a JavaScript script that can be used to re-structure the outgoing WebHook data.

// Transform webhook payload to non-standard format
//  - 'event' contains the standard JSON schema
//  - 'metadata' contains fuseData/metadata such as company and location.
// The function Transform must return an object, e.g. {"temperature": 22.5} 
function Transform(event, metadata) {
    var body = {};
    event.payload.forEach(function(item) { 
      body[] = item.value; 
    // { "temp": 23, "hum": 75, "rssi": -110 }
    return body;
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